Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
Nutritional and Health Factors Associated with Chronic Diseases among Saudi female in Jeddah City
العوامل الغذائية والصحية المرتبطة بالإصابة بالأمراض المزمنة لدى السيدات السعوديات بمدينة جدة
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The aim of the study is to determine some factors associated with chronic disease among Saudi woman at Jeddah City. Weights, high, and blood pressures measurements have taken for (604) of Saudi women, aged ranged between (25-55years). The Sample has been selected From the primary health center existing in Jeddah city, and also taken the sample of blood for (502) ladies had been taken when they were faster within (10-14hours) , in order to set up the following necessary tests ( diabetes , level of cholesterol , and low condensed fat protein LDL, (low destiny lipoprotein , High Density lipoprotein and very low density Lipoprotein in the blood , as well as triglyceride). Questions have been addressed to the individual subject with information related to their social, health, nutritional status and their life style and consuming some of their foods. The results of the study reveals that rate of overweight and obesity were together 70.5%, diabetes was 22.5%. as for self-reported of diabetes were 15.5% only. But the rate of none- recognized of self-reported were 7% before doing the test .Cholesterol findings show that 9.8% of the sample has high Cholesterol, blood pressures measurements result indicate that 16.6% have high blood pressure, and age, marital status , education and employment status association high statistical sign with obesity, diabetes , high blood pressure and cholesterol , the result shows also that number of children has relation with obesity high blood pressure and cholesterol at confidence degree 99% . there is a link that ha significant value between frequency of having fast food weekly and obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. Also a correlation between frequency of eating food out of home and obesity and high blood pressure. The performance of the sport practice women of big effect in hypercholesterolemia. It has been observed that obese individuals are more inclined to consume food rather than non obese female. As for the female who are affected with diabetes. High blood pressure, high of cholesterol, that their rate of consuming food was less than those who are non affected with these illness. The study has recommended investigating the factors that associated with chronic diseases for preparing precaution planning modifying with the reality of Saudi Community. 
Supervisor : Dr. Eman Mohammed Saleh Ismail 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1428 AH
2007 AD
Added Date : Sunday, July 3, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
نوف علي آل سليمانAl-Sulaiman, Nouf AliResearcherMaster 


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