Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Effect of the Nutritional Awareness and Practices for A Sample of Kindergarten Teachers on Growth of Children in Jeddah
أثر الوعي والممارسات الغذائية لعينة من معلمات رياض الأطفال بجدة على النمو الجسمي للأطفال
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study aimed to identify the awareness of food and nutrition practices at the kindergarten teachers to the physical development of children in Jeddah. Where was the use of a questionnaire to the teacher and other children the important results showed that (41.3%) of the kindergarten teachers between the ages of (39.7%) of the teachers were teaching first stage while (35.7%) second stage in the kindergarten nearly half of the sample (54.3%) received bachelor’s or master’s of degree. Nearly half of the sample (52.3%) of kindergarten teachers not specialized in kindergartens) but taking literary or scientific bachelor while a third of the sample (34%) kindergartens Bachelors 60% of kindergarten teachers did not receive any training in kindergarten, when measuring awareness of food for kindergarten teachers they answer the 50th question. It was found that (62%) of teachers sample were medium awareness, while the 25.7% of teachers of kindergartens awareness were high while it’s weak awareness to 11.7% it was found that high awareness of between (40-49) years and it was found statistical relationship between food awareness and age. The food medium awareness were to (68.9) teachers the food medium awareness of were 70% teachers of Secondary Education because the teachers went to increased this food awareness as a resulting and desire to educate themselves to increase information available, on food and nutrition. Also found that food medium awareness percentage among teachers specialist in kindergarten (71.1%). While a weak F. awareness in (8.3%) of the teachers had not taking training and their were statistical relationship between food awareness and training. It had found that high F. awareness between 40% teachers of the teachers who receiving additional training sessions in other areas different from kindergartens and there were no statistical relationship between F. awareness and the training it also found that Fm M. awareness between 80% of the windows teachers and 63.8% of not married women teachers. 
Supervisor : Prf. Kout Elkloub baker 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1428 AH
2007 AD
Added Date : Sunday, July 3, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
رويدا خضر الليليAl-Lily, Rowida khalderResearcherMaster 


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