Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
mural painting
التصوير الجداري المعاصر المرتبط بالتكنولوجيا الحديثة
Subject : mural painting 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : The objective of this study is to shoot lights on the usage of modern technology of tool and materials in the domain of mural painting, and to invest various art medium in the execution process in relation with the ethnic heritage, in this regards fine arts is expected to reflect its aesthetics, cultural role on the community, aiming at reaching deeper understanding for contemporary mural painting that could continue to enrich mural painting to be taught as a subject of education in fine arts sections in away that shall be appropriate with the 21st century. Whereas the development of mural painting is an inevitable necessity for transference of the today’s philosophy to go along with tremendous scientific advancement in materials and tools technology that evolution has no doubt led to change in the artist vision and his expression systems. This century and the one before had witnessed, the initial beginnings of creativity in the field of various types modern technology application (i.e. – materials and tools) which were combined in art education. Material technology such as (metallic plate slides) – fiber optic – industrial wood – transparent acrylic) had gained both the attention and the rational of the contemporary artist who managed to introduce them in his work with different artistic effects, adding new dimension to art works, so as to reflect the 21st Century notion. Whereas the objective is to produce modern mural paintings by conserving the cultural entity, therefore we should bear in minds that the philosophy of ant in our society depends on the rational background of the prevailing environment that assist the artist in identifying his artistic style, beside protecting his artistic character from immediate invitation. The environment includes, artistically, cultural, and the creational identity in the aspect mural painting which represents that inter relationship, seeking the production of community deep rooted mural painting. Which is an educational cultural and national responsibility. The researcher is attempting in this research to exert here efforts and art production aiming at environmental awareness by enhancing art appreciation levels, and to stand against abusing environment, and whatever could affect art aesthetics’ to pave the way for deep rooted arts based on aesthetics’ philosophy originated from his own environment, by showing the civilized side of the society which is based on origins and national concepts. Utilizing proper modern technology in the research topic will open new horizons for thinking and experimenting, and shall add more to creativity and variety in the field of mural painting, on the other hand by utilizing modern digital technology, we can expand the context of mural painting arts to enter into new horizons, together with other sub-sciences that have already been connected with modern technology. Through using tool and technological materials the researcher has attempted to liberate the artistic images from the conventional restrictions, and heading towards the implementation of technology as separate subjects through which art could be interpreted as the culture of this era. The study is based on the methodology of description analysis, and experimentations. 1) Theoretical Side :- By studying the philosophy of Mural Painting, in this social, functional, artistical and historical context and its relationship with art heritage of nations beside tackling contemporary modern concepts for mural painting, and to implement, the concepts of both Arabic and Western experience in that domain through analytical study for a selected group of modern mural painting works in order to show. The raw material technological tools and the artistic approaches and to what extent that could be useful in the research topic. 2) Practical Applications:- The researcher is benefiting from the theoretical studies, in the practical applications based on the characteristics of such studies in order to uncover expressive moulds, artistic and new technical approaches for the production of modern mural paintings by depending on modern technology through two main axis, the tools technology by utilizing computer techniques and the accompanying mediums such as art software’s, digital printers, and material technology, wherein these combined technologies shall reflect new understanding for the various multi-mediums. The research shall proceed as follows: Chapter One:- Includes research back ground (research topic problem) research hypothesis – research objective, significance limits, methodology, and research idioms. Chapter Two :- The searcher dealt with the most important studies and researches related firmly with the live research subject were: - Studies concerned with the art and technology. - Studies concerned with mural art . - Studies concerned with computer art. - Studies concerned with art and society . Chapter Three :- The researcher is tackling the theoretical side of the research though studying mural painting concept and philosophy. The chapter falls into three sections: Section one, Deals with the definition of mural painting concept, based on defining of mural and painting (mural painting). Section two, the researcher is dealing with philosophy of mural painting (value and meaning) by emphasizing the definition of value and meaning of mural painting and then the researcher is proceeding into studying the effect of the prevailing religious concepts on the mural painting. The accumulative rational effect, and the cultural heritage on the mural painting as well as environmental and social effect and their repercussions on the artistic creative behavior in mural painting, as well as the effect of since and technology development, on mural painting. Section three; It is specialized on the architectural nature of murals and the relationship between architecture and the indoor and out door mural painting. Chapter Four :- In this chapter the researcher is trying to shoot lights on the historical development of mural painting. The chapter is divided into three sections; the first section narrates the history of mural painting in primitive societies, ancient Egyptian arts, Greek, Byzantine, Islamic, Renaissance era, and modern mural paintings. Section two, deals with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia mural paintings by studying the ground of murals, shapes, pictures, colours and materials. In section three, on the other hand the researcher three explains the materials and the techniques related to mural painting through ages, such as wax-mosaic, oil and painting mediums such as colours, brushes, tools and dilutions. Chapter Five :- This includes mural painting and the contemporary art concepts, Section one; compares between the contemporary arts visions with modernization. Section two; Deals with the characteristics of mural painting in the Arabic world that had been inspired from cultural vision, inspiration from Arabic calligraphy, inspiration from symbol and from myth. Section three, Deals with mural paintings in the Arabic culture. Chapter Six :- The essence of mural painting creativity and the application of modern technology:- This chapter is divided into 4 sections; Section one, Studying the characteristics of modern art culture and the concept of technology. In addition to that an modern technological techniques, like computer digital video, and remote controlling techniques, have been utilized on the other hand, Section two, is specialized on new tools technology i.e. – computers and other accompanying appliances, applied arts software’s, digital cameras printers, scanners, graphic plates. Section three, deals with new (innovated) materials like transparent acrylic reflective wood, electric light. Section (4), Studies samples of mural painting in the existence of modern tools and materials. Chapter Seven :- The researcher applied study has been discussed in aims this chapter. The researcher is rendering the significance of research experiment, objectives, approaches process, aim and rules of the experience, besides the experiment steps and the description of the works. Chapter Eight :- Contains results and recommendations, following are the most important results obtained from the research. 1- The significance of confirming on modernization concepts in relation with photography and other fields of knowledge. 2- Affirming the educational roles of arts in the formation of community in a modern way, which can contributes in brain activation, refining the behavior and general taste. 3- To emphasize the computer role, as a new technological tool that provides adequate sources for art vision in the 21st. century. 4- Paying much attention to the cultural heritage of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to revitalize arts through computer, that will confirm the strong relation between identity and modernization. 5- There is relationship between raw materials and tools in achieving modernization of the mural paintings in the 21st. century. Recommendations:- 1- The importance of considering the computer as an auxiliary tool in teaching arts and to utilize it especially in painting and photography. 2- Concentration on the social role of mural painting in developing aesthetics vision and changing the general behavior, also to spread and develop art awareness. 3- To seek the assistance of the national culture, for achieving a vision of the contemporary art of mural painting cultural heritage. 4- To utilize research results for computer application in the field of mural painting due to its various capabilities and high tech- solution. 5- It is very important to conduct more researches that connect technology and to make proper use of the research results in different fields of art education. 
Supervisor : prof.Aafaa Ali Diaab 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1428 AH
2007 AD
Added Date : Saturday, May 8, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
شيرين معتوق الحرازيAl-haraze, Sereen MatukInvestigatorDoctorate 

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